Saturday, January 19, 2008

Complete guide to Trees and Shrubs

Complete guide to
Trees and Shrubs

By Ortho Books
ISBN 0897215001 SC pp 224
Published 2004
Meredith Publishing Group

Undoubtedly a comprehensive writing on trees and shrubs. Not only does this volume assist bonsai enthusiasts in plant/tree selections, it is a great assistance in the landscape.

I have found this book extremely useful when making selections for the landscape. It describes in detail the suitability of the tree in relation to any landscape, soil condition. light, hardiness zones to name a few. Whilst this book was not designed with bonsai enthusiasts in mind, individual growth habits of trees and shrubs will greatly assist you in making an informed decision when choosing bonsai subjects.

This book contains an extensive section on pruning and maintenance as applied to the landscape. It is amusing to find some of the guidelines listed in this particular section, have been seen before in bonsai books. It is my opinion that far too many folks just plant out their trees and shrubs without any thought to growth patterns and necessary maintenance, to finally wind up with trees and shrubs that have become unmanageable. Too often these shrubs will find their way to the curbside because of negligence. Trees on the other hand are often frail and fail in severe adverse weather conditions, where a little forethought would have prevented the latter.

A definite asset to anyone's reference library.

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