Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bonsai, a Care Manual

Bonsai, a Care Manual
by Colin Lewis
ISBN 157145988X SC pp.128
Published 1997
Octopus Publishing Group Ltd

Colin Lewis is an acknowledged and respected bonsai expert. He has studied bonsai in Japan, is a member of the Bonsai Kai of the japan Society of London.

A definite must for all beginners, “soft cover” extremely well laid out. The book is tailored to meet the needs of first-time owner and more experienced collector by explaining in detail all the techniques needed to keep bonsai alive and in good shape. It also describes the anatomy of plants/trees and how a tree functions. It contains a comprehensive section on trees (sunlight, care, pruning, feeding etc.) It further explains various soil types, their composition and use, as well as a detailed section on different types and proper use of fertilizers. A good section on proper pot selection and shape for various tree species and shape.

Clear step by step illustrations combined with photographs will help even the most nervous newcomer to grow bonsai with confidence.

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